McGhee specializes in water reed thatching, a proven roofing system with a life expectancy in excess of 40 years with maintenance.
Colin and his crew of highly skilled artisan thatch roofers craft each roof by hand, using only the finest quality water reed materials. The work is not farmed out to contractors, so you can be assured that each roof is a unique piece of art - the result of traditional, time-tested materials and methods. McGhee & Co. roofs are guaranteed and are checked at least every two years at no charge. Thatching materials are provided and assistance with design and planning approval is available.
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The Appearance is Matched by the Quality
A new construction thatch roof adds a dramatic and impressive appearance to any structure. But not only that, thatch is a very effective insulator. Whether you choose thick overlaid bundles of reed or straw, rest assured that your roof is going to stand up to the elements.
We create roofs for our clients with unique handcrafted design elements that add to the style of the building, with flowing lines, dramatic curves, solid shapes, and impressive angles. But if you want a simple, classic design, we are ready to match precisely what you desire. It’s our goal to work with clients, so they get the design they want while also meeting applicable building codes and regulations.
Our roofs are guaranteed, and we inspect them for free at least every two years.
Contact us to design and craft your thatch roof or when you need supplies and materials for a job. We are proud to serve clients across the United States and Canada from our base in Staunton, VA.
Old-World Skill and Craftsmanship
There are certain building elements which stand the test of time, while also offering versatility and quality. Think of wrought iron, brick, and stone. Add thatch to that list, and you get the picture. From a crofter’s cabin, village pub or stately manor house, thatch has been the roofing material of choice, and not just because it looks outstanding.
Natural materials such as water reed or straw go into the creation of a thatched roof, which can last more than 60 years. The key to the longevity of your roof is to find an authentic thatched roof installer to work their magic on your building. Make no mistake, that’s what this craft approaches -- magic. Imagine taking bundles of humble natural materials and shaping them in such a way that they provide years of weather and vermin resistance while looking great as well.
It’s not a skill that is easy to come by it takes years of apprenticeship and study to master the craft and earn the trust of homeowners and businesses alike. Across North America. the road which McGhee & Co. Roof Thatchers, LLC has trod, to the satisfaction of property owners across North America.

Thatched Cottage, Czech Republic
We love to work on demanding & unusual projects anywhere!

We now do walls!
Great insulation, unique natural materials.
Contemporary home East Hampton.